Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Feel Blue

I am so sick. Literally sick to my stomach. Last night we had dinner at Claudia’s apartment with all the volunteers. Claudia is a Colombian woman that rents out two rooms to foreigners. At the moment, Naomi and Charlotte are living there and they wanted to have a potluck so they made tofu for everyone. Will and Rob made some delicious appetizers, little crunchy pieces of bread with tomatoes and cheese on them. So good! Cerys and I decided to make desert. We went to Olimpica (a supermarket) to buy ingredients for Banofee Pie, an english dessert. Some of the ingredients were not available so we had to improvise with colombian products. We also celebrated Wills birthday! 

Banofee Pie in the making! 

All done :) 

The dinner was delicious. I ate the whole thing and it was amazing. After a great feast we went to El Mirador in Taganaga. El Mirador is a small dance club where you may drink, dance and have a good time with an amazing view of the ocean. The night started off pretty well. We were all having a great time until I started feeling sick. I went to the restroom and vomit everything that I ate. I have no idea what made me sick but it was not pretty. I had some water with lime that a colombian girl recommended, which made me feel a little better but I was not myself. Today everyone is at the SierraMar Festival and I am here in my hotel room feeling horrible. We had already bought tickets to the festival this week for both Saturday and Sunday so hopefully I rest it out today and wake up feeling better to go to the festival tomorrow. I have not eaten anything and I do not have any urges to do so. I have been drinking Powerade. I also took a Dolex (similar to Tylenol) for the fever and headache that is taking over my life right now. I am going to put my mind to it and wake up feeling great tomorrow. Nap time. : (

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